Friday, December 8, 2023

Desi Oon Festival - The world of Indigenous Wools

It is usually believed that wool in India is used only in the North and certain parts of Eastern India where it is cold.  The sources of wool – sheep, goat, camel, buffalo, yak and more. The population of the animals is scattered across the country. The pastoral community keeping alive the bio-diversity and cross breeding amongst the breeds. The pastoralists controlling large flocks of animals migrate taking with them the animals. The major wool though is sheep. India has the world’s second largest population of sheep. Indian wool is rough and does not find too many takers. Desi Oon is an initiative to ensure that it is lucrative for the pastoral community to produce wool and make it into value added products. The products are something that one will fall in love with. Though slightly coarse as compared to the merino, the design and muted colour combination are eye catching. Several partner organisations each doing stellar work – Kulvi Whims, Shepherds of Himalayas, Khamir, Urmul, Avani,Miyar Mufflers…


When – 7th to 11th December 2023 (held approximately at the same time every year) –     


Where – Triveni Kala Sangam – Tansen Marg


Timings – 11 am to 7 pm


Highlights – Scarves, stoles, throws, shawls, coats, dhurries, knits. Beautifully designed festivals. The live demonstrations by craftsmen – be it spinning or weaving. A beautiful cottage from Ladakh which demonstrates the use of wool to keep it insulated. A new fabric launch – wool for thermal and impact protection. We will cover this later.


Insider Tips – Insulation using wool has been displayed for the first time. Camel products using camel milk – cheese, chocoates… The colours of the products are beautiful and understated. Several using organic and natural colours. Ladakh felts which are akin to paintings. Enjoy the food at the Triveni Terrace CafĂ©…

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