Saturday, December 14, 2013

Delhi's creative bank - Maverick Designer – Mukul Goyal believing in the “The power of product”

My meeting with IIT trained engineer with a further degree from NID was for writing on his Marwari antecedants for the magazine Marwar. Marwari background not withstanding, it came out though in the way he ran his business, what proved extremely interesting was the range of designs for every day products. Quirky shaped human forms doing ordinary things except in a not so ordinary actually extraordinary design, a man picking up weight actually an ice scoop, peeping men, bearing load… a hippo drinking water from a huge lake, actually a serving tray drawing inspiration from the animal kingdom, each carefully crafted into a practical useable product….design with a little twist - welcome to the world of Mukul Goyal. What further makes the designs fascinating is that, Mukul has played around with designs in products which were never considered design worthy in India. Be it bathroom accessories – towel rods, soap dispensers, hardware area the good ole taps, curtain rods, rings…..each offers that little design edge which makes it unique. Mukul has carefully straddled the designer based accessory into a more retail medium.

The first launch was designer hardware – curtain rods. The first of the series was the personal table product – book ends. Called Id of the shadow or that of the inner being, the inner self vis a vis the outer shelf, but it was distorted down to id as in email id…Mukul reminisces.

Speaking of brass, Mukul goes into raptures saying, “I love the material and have a close relationship with it, understand it and can push it. There are subtle nuances which I can bring out when I sandsculpt it by hand. There is the gentleness, the curves, each fall which can be controlled with the material.” Nearly, 85% of their product is sandcasted, it is done to get good form and finish, which cannot be achieved by dye casting. Neither can the consistency be maintained in hand crafted pieces. The products are handcrafted using light engineering. They are made in an industrial environment using craft techniques, which gives it that special edge.

Today, he has two lines – Tatva which has a range in drapery hardware, door handles, door and cabinet hardware, bath hardware and lighting. It is curated for a larger audience so there is something for everyone. This can be varied and customized according to the needs and choice of the customer. The Mukul Goyal line which is a mix of home and personal use products, which is essentially sold as it is. A new collection is launched every year under the Mukul Goyal line while in Tatva it varies from a year to two years.

If you are looking for quirky fun designs for your boring everyday home - be it curtain rods, door handles, knobs, table accessories.. Mukul' s creations are the best bet for it. 

Mukul’s creations are available across the country. There is a limited range displayed at his office cum factory as well in Gurgaon.

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