Friday, October 25, 2013

Udbhava – A treasure trove of natural fibre products in Delhi

Products from banana fibre, hibiscus fibres, jute, sisal, ram baas, nettle are some of the fibres woven into an astounding array of products. Each product carefully designed, aesthetic, with some excellent colour combinations. These natural fibre products are the toast of the town for lovers of eco friendly article. Welcome to Udhbava, a little nook tucked into the bylanes of the busy South Extension Part I near the famous Gummad. Run by the husband and wife duo V.V.Sukhathirtha and wife S.Sudha. The couple stock their products in their home and are active in the exhibition circuit starting October onwards. Be it Dastkar, Christmas Carnivals or Melas organized by the various embassies. What stands out in their products is the innate knowledge and passion that Sukhathirtha has about natural fibres. A passion which transcends commercial calling.

Specialising in banana fibres, there is banana fibre woven pieces worked in tandem with cane, cane, coir and banana fibre, They also deal in fabrics woven out of these fibres. The range of the fabrics especially in dual shades and tie and dye is extremely eye catching. In the last few years, they have moved to creating value added products using a combination of these fabrics from natural fibres with cane. Fibre boards, moulded pieces, small gifting items like books, pen stands, holders… Another interesting range uses handmade paper for some extraordinary pieces. Korai grass mats are again popular. It is also teamed with leather and cotton fabrics.

If you are an ardent lover of alternate fibres for everyday use, Udbhava is the place for you. The banana fibre woven into fabric can be put into some extremely interesting uses be it as a front for a door to a cupboard. Go and meet the couple and indulge in shopping therapy which is good for the environment! Since Sudha deals with SHGs to source her fibres and raw material and a couple of NGOs to convert it into finished products, the money goes for a good cause too!

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